Thursday 27 June 2019

Tuesday 25 June 2019

Hosting nameless photos

Another of thy classic Lightian pranks — send your friends here. 

On a more serious note, 

The Lightian Library will also host caption-less pictures — pictures without descriptions, or just a few. You will realise that the recent blog posts include nameless pictures, like maps from the NationStates RP: The Era of Tomorrow.

I will, of course, try to include some explanation when I can.

The Era of Tomorrow — New Claims

3 February 2019Annexation of Tokyo and Nagoya by Bluelight

Sunday 16 June 2019

OmniOne poster

OmniOne is advertising itself once again! This time, the third and hopefully first successful campaign to gather members. The Region is open to nations of all tech!

Wednesday 12 June 2019

Random guns

Uni-/Bi-/Tri-/UltimaEndless and the Arctic Space

Bluelight’s ‘-verses’ have been updated. With inspiration to a nation’s idea of Arctic Space, and the making of three Endless’, this is the new map.

And Bluelight’s borders have been re-updated.

New Flag of Bluelight[R006]

The New Flag of Bluelight[R006]:
Shine Forth with Technology and Magic, and the Will to Fight and Peace

Tuesday 11 June 2019

Exalt and Praises Give to Lightia!

For about a year now, I’ve had this factbook where I thank myself and my supporters. It’s called ‘Give Praises to Lightia and Supporters!’Now, it will be changed to ‘Exalt and Praises Give to Lightia!’

I have cancelled the part where I personally thank my supporters. Why? Am I so selfish and so proud? Answer is no.

I think 2 years is a little early for me to celebrate. My letter was also quite childish, but I’d like to write a really formal letter that will last with me and them, and also draw up a list of nations I’d personally thank.

So I will do this letter, likely in April 2020, when it’s Bluelight’s 3rd anniversary on the game.

Monday 10 June 2019

Friday 7 June 2019

Daily spacecrafts

A spacecraft hovering near the border, part of a large army of spacecrafts ready to defend the nation at the border.

Spacecrafts of the space patrol making sure a gas-filled Solar System is under normal condition.

Lightian Web to be abolished

As of Saturday, 8 June, 2019, the entire Lightian Wikipedia channel has been abolished. This comes just 11 days after the rebranding of Lightianpedia into LightianX, which has also been abolished.

The reason? The Lightian factbooks are decidedly not to be treated as an entire Wikipedia. Although these channels can make factbooks close together, it has not made it close together. If anyone wants to get between two factbooks, [s]he will only have to get out of one factbook and scroll up or down to the next factbook.

Therefore, it is deemed useless to operate a wide channel of such Wikipedias.

Thereby, abolished the Lightian Wikipedia Channels as of Saturday, 8 June, 2019.

The Lightian Technology Scale

Bluelight’s 12 levels of technology, in one table. As we can see, Bluelight is the most technologically advanced. All other nations a level below it. This introduces the ‘God-like Tech’ level, which literally describes the perfection of technology in Bluelight. The Kardashev Scale is added for comparison.

If all the Lightian soldiers = 1m^3

The number of Lightian soldiers is so big that if all the Lightian soldiers were each squeezed into their own box of 1m^3, it will altogether make a cube that is about 3% the size of the Box.