Thursday 6 June 2019

Hypothetical Scenarios

The textbook of Hypothetical scenarios to develop Lightian qualities
This book will help you develop good qualities of the Lightians through hypothetical scenarios you might face in your daily life in other nations.

Notable actions highlighted
[sample text](1)[sample text]...
A notable action in the storyline will be highlighted in bold and italic, with a number corresponding to its order in the storyline.
This notable action could be referenced later in the ‘THOUGHTS TO THINK ABOUT’ section.
Given options and elaborations
After the storyline, options will be given and they will be elaborated to further point out the likely reason why you decide to do the option.
Thoughts to think about
Referencing highlighted notable actions in the storyline, this section will help you guide your option, not necessarily to the right way, but will give you some thoughts to think about before making your final decision.
The rightful response
Based on Lightian-based qualities, there will be an answer at the end of every storyline. 


Consider the following hypothetical situation, and give your thoughts on it.

You enter a decent bar to get a drink before heading off to work. You have a (1) train to catch in 20 minutes, so you decide to drink quickly and then head off to the nearby train station.

You get your favorite drink at the bar table, just when a (2) homeless man, accompanied by an adult enters the bar. The adult hands a banknote to the bartender, and explains that the homeless man had been on the street, (3) hungry and thirsty.The adult then continues, requesting the bartender serve something for the man.
When the adult leaves, the bartender’s ‘neutral smile’ immediately fades off and shouts at the homeless man to get out of his bar, for he was (4) ruining the sense of decency in the bar. Not to mention, the bartender also (5) snatches the banknote given by the adult without giving anything to the homeless man.

You are encouraged to consider the 5 main actions and/or sayings in the entire story. They have been labeled as numbers with brackets. At this point, you have five main options:
(A) Defend the position of the bartender.
Together with the bartender, attempt to try and kick out the homeless man. Choosing (A), you can also go further to explain how you would do so: (i) Verbally, or (ii) Physically.
(B) Defend the position of the homeless man.
Argue against the bartender, saying how he should stop harassing the homeless man. Choosing (B), you can also go further to explain the steps in doing so: (i) Simply verbally argue against the bartender, or (ii) Peacefully argue against the bartender and buy a drink for the homeless man with YOUR own money (pretending the drink is for yourself).
(C) Fight as a third party, about the snatched banknote.
You don’t wish to fight alongside either party, but you remember seeing the bartender snatch the banknote given by the adult without giving the homeless man something to eat, so you fight for that reason.
(D) Remain neutral, and stay.
You don’t want to get involved, so you remain neutral. However, since you have time to spare, you stay in the bar, but possibly getting away from the main situation.
(E) Remain neutral, and leave.
You don’t want to get involved, so you remain neutral. However, feeling uncomfortable, you choose to head out of the bar as you hate being near the main situation at all.
(F) Something else.
Any other actions? Feel free to say something on what you would do (that isn’t mentioned already).

1 You have a train to catch in 20 minutes. Would you risk that train for fighting over respect? You will be late for work. But you could consider yourself doing a good deed by buying a drink for the homeless man, or at least fighting for him.
References: (1) train to catch in 20 minutes
2 The homeless man had been hungry and thirsty, and just wants something to eat or drink.
References: (3) hungry and thirsty.
3 The homeless man might not be properly suited for the bar. He may have been making other customers uncomfortable.
References: (4) ruining the sense of decency in the bar.
4 The bartender snatched the banknote given without doing the request of the adult. That you may consider as a case of theft. You may fight for that as well.
References: (5) snatches the banknote given by the adult.

The rightful action in this scenario would be to act calm, remain slow to anger and keep the remaining amount of peace in store. 
Correct option: B(II)
Do not attempt to argue with the bartender. Lightian qualities suggest you should act peacefully, and not get down to anger swiftly. In this scenario, peacefully take down the burning hatred in the bartender towards the homeless man and restore peace.
Trying to persuade the bartender to give back the money given by the adult is one of the sensible options, as the homeless man can leave and go to another bar/restaurant to get food.
Buy the homeless man a drink. Another option would be to completely avoid the entire situation, and order another drink. Once the drink is being sent to you, you can give the drink to the homeless man, so there be no quarreling in the first place.
This suggests you use your own money, and if you, prefer to keep the sense of respect and peace altogether, might want to avoid getting the money from the adult back to avoid any more confrontation.
Call a higher authority. You can call a higher authority, such as the police, to the scene to handle matters if you, cannot do the peacemaking job all by yourself.
The police will handle the important aspects, such as snatching money without giving a service, ask for your side of the story and address the entire matter.


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