Sunday 28 July 2019

The Banhammer

The Banhammer is NationStates’ Moderators favorite weapon—to ban people of injustice and unjust violence.

Yet, I wonder where they get such pictures from?

Sunday 14 July 2019

Never doubt Lightia’s dominance!

January 2, 1764:
A terrifying show of display, on how Bluelight’s almightiness makes hard-to-fight wars another meme on the internet.

Saturday 13 July 2019

A Gamer’s Quest

Bluelight’s next RP: A Gamer’s Quest features a group of people travelling through the multiverse, exploring and defeating monsters to win a game. Have fun, with magical and technological advancements!

The theme is officially out, and the OP is currently under development. I expect to start it by November.

Saturday 6 July 2019

Ethrax’s 9Axes

Truly preserving his name: Neutral in 4 subjects. Ethrax, the leader of the politically-neutral nation Bluelight, is neutral in the ideologies: Federal/Unitary; Democracy/Authority; Globalist/Isolationist; Militarist/Pacifist.

However, the leader prefers Equality to the Markets, and due to his atheism, is a moderate secular. With love for technology, he is moderate progressive. And fighting for the rights of opinions on cultures and traditions and their followers; is much more multiculturist than an assimilationist. 
