Friday 24 May 2019

LightianX; The Great Realm of Bluelight

LightianX replaces Lightianpedia as Bluelight’s main ‘wiki’ as of Saturday, 25th May 2019.

Lightianpedia has been far too long an unoriginal name, packed together with its unoriginal slogan, all copied from real life Wikipedia.

The ‘X’ in LightianX stands for an infinite, or any number of information. It is supplemented by its new slogan, “Existence’s secret shed no shadow,’ which denotes that LightianX has information to even existence’s most discreet items.

The Lightian Flag denotes Bluelight’s long-standing values and achievements—The Magic Wand and the Planet symbolises a powerful wield on Magic and Technology’s explorations, whilst on the right, we can see the peace and unity sign.

The star in the middle represents the nation of Bluelight as a bright host, charming and intelligent, obviously superior to all other forms of life and politics.

The Map of Bluelight can be easy represented with a white background, portraying the biggest ‘-verse’ (e.g. Universe) that can ever exist—The Ultima Endless, followed by 5 bands of alternating black and white representing smaller ‘-verse’(s), which we’re altogether discovered in 2017.

After it’s discovery in 2017, many countries flock to take up space in the surrounding territory.

Conducted on December 31, 1731 (Earth), the last population record of Bluelight is not a number itself, but a mere estimation through calculation. Since then, the population has grown and still is.

Although Lightian computers and hologramics can comprehend the massive population count of today, it has been deemed unfair to people with downgraded computers whose computers will immediately crash at the sight of the first digit. Not to mention, Lightians rarely check their own population records as an expected Multillion (10^ (3x10^(3x10^3tredecillion) +3) babies are born in Bluelight every Planck time. (Smallest unit of time)

The North-North-West end of Aechapemore City, a picture taken in 1783, is a beautiful picture taken of the development upon the bays. The fields and grasslands of natural habitat, still preserved.

With the thunderous storm and clear daylight approaching, it is a nice touch to the nice bird-eye view.

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