Sunday 26 May 2019

Lightianpedia Talking Point to finally be removed from its only site

The Lightianpedia Talking Point has just, and only been a mere division of Lightianpedia. (Now rebranded as LightianX). It’s use was to represent the discussion part of Lightianpedia’s subjects, like how editors on Wikipedia discuss about debatable topics on hidden (yet, publicly accessible) sites.

However, to simplify Lightianpedia, the Lightianpedia Talking Point division of Wikipedia was removed months back. And it’s banner from its only site, ‘The Box, The Existence and The Endless: What Are They?,’ have been removed.

But, you will STILL find the box of the Lightianpedia Talking Point division on its only site. (In a red box).
From Monday, 27 May 2019, this box will be gone for good. And the banners will be replaced by LightianX banners.

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