Friday 31 May 2019

What IS The Lightian Library?

So much time talking about Bluelight’s factbooks... but I have never given at least a brief introduction on why there is ‘The Lightian Library’ and so on...

So... what is the Lightian Library? 

The Lightian Library is a site for me to update information on Bluelight’s factbooks and what is in it... give a brief explanation of the pictures.

Not just that, I use this blog to post photos from my editing software to copy its link, and to transfer to NationStates, which upon Bluelight lives as a nation (in a game). This is because NationStates doesn’t simply let you take photos from your gallery, like this blog. You need to take the photo through it’s link.

The History

I used to copy links of my own photos from another blog I used to own called RandomGaming22. That’s like the ‘original Lightian Library.’ Except there were only photos and no explanations. 

This blog and that other blog, is on Blogger, owned by Google. Meaning you need a Google account to make a blog on Blogger. For some unknown reasons, I broke YouTube’s (also in a partnership with Google, so you have to have a Google account to have a YouTube account, on YouTube account, no Google account as well...) terms and guidelines and my Google account, which owned the old blog. When I somehow broke the rules, they will terminate the Google account I had to use the old blog.

Long story short, no Google account, no blog on Blogger. Thus, I made a new blog with more explanations on a new Google account.


My old blog (RandomGaming22):

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