Friday 31 May 2019

The Box

The Box is the largest imaginable, unimaginable, theoretical, nontheoretical, unphysical, metaphysical, pataphysical, useful or useless set (according to some cosmologies, it may be limited to within the Existence). The Box is, and the Box is not, if you will.

The Box contains anything beyond space, time, reality, logic, and everything else that could ever be thought of or not thought of. The Box contains the Omniverse, as well as the infinite variations of said verse, to the point where it is not even a "verse".

The Box not only contains all of existence, but infinite variations of an infinite set of 'concepts' completely different from existence. The box contains everything outside the box, whilst still being contained by The Box.


Bluelight takes up 91% of the box.

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