Friday 31 May 2019

Patriotic National Day Celebrations

Lightian’s have a wide range of events that occur during National Day. For example, digital cards are given to all citizens with a optimistic wish for the future. 

The 2020 theme is ‘Rich treasures abound,’ which is a reference to the comfort the Technological advancements have brought to Bluelight. 

Patriotic marches are usually held down the streets of the capital cities, and also all the other cities, towns and suburbs of cities. 

Following that would be a National Day ‘play’ that would run for 8 Earth hours. It would have different themes each year. For example, the 2018 theme was: Freedom — It has not been misplaced!

Following the skit is the aerobatics show performed by spaceships and small planes, which with the help of magic, can explode letters that say: “May God bless you,” or “May you live and prosper to the end!” Each National Day a different sentence. 2018’s Aerobatics Performance used the phrase, “Go free and run in the wild! :D”

Lastly, a grand finale, one many adore, using the help of holographic television, one may be able to see the leader in face as he talks to the nation his wishes for everyone!

This common and yearly practice increases the love for Bluelight from Lightians, and their loyalty they remained. Since it’s independence in 1651, only about a few hundreds of millions left the country, when compared to the thousands of centillions who join the country today!

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