Friday 31 May 2019

Patriotic National Day Celebrations

Lightian’s have a wide range of events that occur during National Day. For example, digital cards are given to all citizens with a optimistic wish for the future. 

The 2020 theme is ‘Rich treasures abound,’ which is a reference to the comfort the Technological advancements have brought to Bluelight. 

Patriotic marches are usually held down the streets of the capital cities, and also all the other cities, towns and suburbs of cities. 

Following that would be a National Day ‘play’ that would run for 8 Earth hours. It would have different themes each year. For example, the 2018 theme was: Freedom — It has not been misplaced!

Following the skit is the aerobatics show performed by spaceships and small planes, which with the help of magic, can explode letters that say: “May God bless you,” or “May you live and prosper to the end!” Each National Day a different sentence. 2018’s Aerobatics Performance used the phrase, “Go free and run in the wild! :D”

Lastly, a grand finale, one many adore, using the help of holographic television, one may be able to see the leader in face as he talks to the nation his wishes for everyone!

This common and yearly practice increases the love for Bluelight from Lightians, and their loyalty they remained. Since it’s independence in 1651, only about a few hundreds of millions left the country, when compared to the thousands of centillions who join the country today!

What IS The Lightian Library?

So much time talking about Bluelight’s factbooks... but I have never given at least a brief introduction on why there is ‘The Lightian Library’ and so on...

So... what is the Lightian Library? 

The Lightian Library is a site for me to update information on Bluelight’s factbooks and what is in it... give a brief explanation of the pictures.

Not just that, I use this blog to post photos from my editing software to copy its link, and to transfer to NationStates, which upon Bluelight lives as a nation (in a game). This is because NationStates doesn’t simply let you take photos from your gallery, like this blog. You need to take the photo through it’s link.

The History

I used to copy links of my own photos from another blog I used to own called RandomGaming22. That’s like the ‘original Lightian Library.’ Except there were only photos and no explanations. 

This blog and that other blog, is on Blogger, owned by Google. Meaning you need a Google account to make a blog on Blogger. For some unknown reasons, I broke YouTube’s (also in a partnership with Google, so you have to have a Google account to have a YouTube account, on YouTube account, no Google account as well...) terms and guidelines and my Google account, which owned the old blog. When I somehow broke the rules, they will terminate the Google account I had to use the old blog.

Long story short, no Google account, no blog on Blogger. Thus, I made a new blog with more explanations on a new Google account.


My old blog (RandomGaming22):

The Box

The Box is the largest imaginable, unimaginable, theoretical, nontheoretical, unphysical, metaphysical, pataphysical, useful or useless set (according to some cosmologies, it may be limited to within the Existence). The Box is, and the Box is not, if you will.

The Box contains anything beyond space, time, reality, logic, and everything else that could ever be thought of or not thought of. The Box contains the Omniverse, as well as the infinite variations of said verse, to the point where it is not even a "verse".

The Box not only contains all of existence, but infinite variations of an infinite set of 'concepts' completely different from existence. The box contains everything outside the box, whilst still being contained by The Box.


Bluelight takes up 91% of the box.

Monday 27 May 2019

Citizenship Textbooks

Textbooks have been written for Lightians to develop moral attitude, as well as to educate them on the technological and magical advancements of the Empire.

There are two textbooks appear on the factbook page:

1. The Complete Insight to Lightian Technological and Magical Advancements, and
2. The Textbook of Hypothetical scenarios to develop Lightian qualities

They are, however, as of Monday, 27 May 2019, under progress.

They are currently not part of any web series (e.g. LightianX, LightianInfo...). I have laid down three options on a web series based on the two web-books.

(1) A new web series: BL Library
(2) A sub series of LightianX: LightianXtra
(3) No web series at all

Benefits of a web series: 
Easier to bundle and access together,
Officially classified; known to all, that the two books are of the same subject.

Disadvantages of a web series:
Adds on to the complication of the Lightian Web, designed to be simple.

Comments of your opinion on the situation are deeply suggested.

The Lightian Web Central

The Lightian Web Central is a homepage for all of Lightia’s ‘wikipedias.’ Lightian Wikipedia pages are divided based on their level of formality, informality, whether its written in third-person, second-person of first-person.
However, pages listed on the Lightian Web Central are currently unsure as it is in a HWIP (huge work in progress) state for the time-being.

The Lightian Web Central will be the one of the last of many factbooks to be updated.

However, a sneak peek into three of the services that will definitely be listed:

1. LightianX — A formal Wiki; third-person.

2. LightianInfo — An informal Wiki; second-person walkthrough.

3. The Lightian Library (Blog) — An update log to factbooks; third-person. 

Sunday 26 May 2019

Lightianpedia Talking Point to finally be removed from its only site

The Lightianpedia Talking Point has just, and only been a mere division of Lightianpedia. (Now rebranded as LightianX). It’s use was to represent the discussion part of Lightianpedia’s subjects, like how editors on Wikipedia discuss about debatable topics on hidden (yet, publicly accessible) sites.

However, to simplify Lightianpedia, the Lightianpedia Talking Point division of Wikipedia was removed months back. And it’s banner from its only site, ‘The Box, The Existence and The Endless: What Are They?,’ have been removed.

But, you will STILL find the box of the Lightianpedia Talking Point division on its only site. (In a red box).
From Monday, 27 May 2019, this box will be gone for good. And the banners will be replaced by LightianX banners.

Friday 24 May 2019

LightianX; The Great Realm of Bluelight

LightianX replaces Lightianpedia as Bluelight’s main ‘wiki’ as of Saturday, 25th May 2019.

Lightianpedia has been far too long an unoriginal name, packed together with its unoriginal slogan, all copied from real life Wikipedia.

The ‘X’ in LightianX stands for an infinite, or any number of information. It is supplemented by its new slogan, “Existence’s secret shed no shadow,’ which denotes that LightianX has information to even existence’s most discreet items.

The Lightian Flag denotes Bluelight’s long-standing values and achievements—The Magic Wand and the Planet symbolises a powerful wield on Magic and Technology’s explorations, whilst on the right, we can see the peace and unity sign.

The star in the middle represents the nation of Bluelight as a bright host, charming and intelligent, obviously superior to all other forms of life and politics.

The Map of Bluelight can be easy represented with a white background, portraying the biggest ‘-verse’ (e.g. Universe) that can ever exist—The Ultima Endless, followed by 5 bands of alternating black and white representing smaller ‘-verse’(s), which we’re altogether discovered in 2017.

After it’s discovery in 2017, many countries flock to take up space in the surrounding territory.

Conducted on December 31, 1731 (Earth), the last population record of Bluelight is not a number itself, but a mere estimation through calculation. Since then, the population has grown and still is.

Although Lightian computers and hologramics can comprehend the massive population count of today, it has been deemed unfair to people with downgraded computers whose computers will immediately crash at the sight of the first digit. Not to mention, Lightians rarely check their own population records as an expected Multillion (10^ (3x10^(3x10^3tredecillion) +3) babies are born in Bluelight every Planck time. (Smallest unit of time)

The North-North-West end of Aechapemore City, a picture taken in 1783, is a beautiful picture taken of the development upon the bays. The fields and grasslands of natural habitat, still preserved.

With the thunderous storm and clear daylight approaching, it is a nice touch to the nice bird-eye view.